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Antlers (Whole/Split)

1) Long lasting
2) Filled with lots of marrow
3) Nutritious – high in calcium

Split antlers are suitable for furkids that are less aggressive and enjoy spending their time digging into the yummy marrow! Elk antlers make excellent dog chews because they are hard and long-lasting. Most importantly, they’re oil-free, odourless and full of nutrients such as calcium. Chewing on antlers ensures clean teeth and hours of entertainment. If your furkid loses interest, try soaking the antlers in the water/ bone broth overnight and keeping in the refrigerator.

Please choose a chew size that is suitable for your furkid: 
  • Small – Up to 11cm (50g-60g)
  • Medium – 13 cm – 17 cm (70g-90g)
  • Large – 17 cm – 20 cm (110g-150g)
  • Jumbo – 20cm and above (more marrow, thicker and heavier than large) (150g-270g)


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